
Therma Inc. is a Bay area premier mechanical contractor.


UX - UI - Visual - Interaction

Wireframes Wireframes Wireframes Wireframes
examples of xray images examples of xray images

homepage divided into the following sections:

Services and capabilities: to indicate what exactly Therma is up to.

In the technology world, icons represent a large portion of how users navigate around software or websites.

Research has shown that icons, when used correctly, can enhance usability, be easily remembered, and improve the design of the webpages or software being used.
examples of xray images


It's a decent spot to imply the hiring message. The user reads through Therma capabilities list and gets an idea about who Therma is and what they do, and the next slide basically welcomes professionals to join Therma.
examples of xray images
examples of xray images examples of xray images